Right click on the bookmark bar > bookmark manager > click icon at top right > Add new bookmark >
Name: Place Orders / whatever makes sense to you
Url: javascript:(function(){ var script=document.createElement('script'); script.type='text/javascript'; script.src='https://sage.oagenius.com/static/bookmarklet/amazon-script.js'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);})();
How to use it
- When you are on the orders page "pending" orders will have a shopping cart icon (all the way to the right, with the number of items you need to order for that order)
- Click the shopping icon will open the product page and copy the buyers address, and PO #
- Click the bookmark when on the PO page to fill the PO
- Once the item is in the cart either create a new address or edit an old one and click the bookmark > the buyers information will be filled in, or overriden
- Proceed with all remaining steps of the checkout until you reach the order confirmation page then click to see order details
- When you are able to see the order information with the OrderID and purchase cost, click the bookmark again and navigate back to the orders page
- You will now see the OrderID and purchase cost has been filled in, you will see your profit and you can save
- Once saved with OrderID and purchase cost in place, the order will automatically be flipped to "ordered"
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