Adding a Sales Channel
Walmart Marketplace Integration:
This is where you connect your Walmart store to your OAGenius account. In order to sync your Walmart marketplace with OAGenius you will first need your Walmart API Key, which, is found on the seller center settings page. Next, grab the Walmart API Secret, which, is found on the same page as the API key. Now click the "Save Walmart Integration" button to complete the sync.
Amazon Marketplace Integration:
Go to the Chrome Web Store by clicking on this link: Chrome Extension
Click on the "Add to Chrome" button.
NOTE: After downloading the extension, make sure that you are logged into both your Sage and Amazon Seller Central accounts. You do not need to have the tabs open, but your computer and browser must be on and open.
If you prefer not to have your computer on at all times, you can consider using a Virtual Private Server. There are many providers available, but we have found that this one works well.
Amazon Selling Fees:
- It is required to forward Amazon order confirmation emails through the forwarding automation in order to get actual selling fees for specific categories. Click here for more information on how to forward emails to OAGenius.
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